Saturday, August 20, 2016

Computer Recycling

Computer recycling refers to reusing or recycling computers. It may include creating another product for use or donating to charity or may also mean systems dismantling in such a manner that constituent materials are safely extracted for reuse into other products. Some of the computer parts which may be recycled are:

o Glass monitor 
o CD Rom drive 
o Keyboard 
o Cathode ray tube (CRT) 
o Plastic case 
o Cables 
o Circuit board metal 
o Copper in the power cord 
o Batteries 
o Printer cartridges

Advantages of computer recycling

Some of the benefits associated with computer recycling are:

o Decreases landfill space 
o Creates less harmful chemical emissions 
o People can buy old and used computers at affordable rates 
o It is a good source of lead for manufacturing different other products. 
o Leads to conservation of energy in the manufacturing plants 
o Recycling provides for useful donations in the charity organizations.

If you recycle computers, you not only make more computers, but also give chances to other people for using their technology. Several refurbishing companies supply used computers to the school systems, charity programs and correctional facilities. Thus the less privileged class also can think of building their careers.

The general process of recycling computers

Firstly, the PC hardware is received for the recycling process to begin. Next, the hardware is to be disassembled. The different components are sorted out and stored in the temporary bins. The plastic constituents are stored in a conveyor and transported for grinding. Plastics are basically dumped into a grinder for achieving consistency in size. After the grinding is over, finished product is generally placed within storage containers and sent away for recycling.

resource recycling
computer recycling services
construction recycling
recycling waste disposal
recycled recycling bins
home recycling bins
cardboard recycling bins
paper recycling bins 
waste management
recycling center
recycling facts

paper recycling

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